July 2020 Update and WordPress 5.5 IS HERE!!!!

I know I am late with my monthly update as it is mid August already I was swamped with project in the past month and took me some time to update my very own website. I will also include in the blog post what I like about the new WordPress 5.5 update.

For the month of July here are the projects I’ve done:

  1. Created new website for a RF Private Server
  2. Helped Mark with task and he is giving me good amount of work which makes me glad and lucky
  3. Learn C++ again as I am planning to use it in my upcoming projects.

WordPress 5.5 update highlights

WordPress 5.5 update highlights

I will summarize it base on what I understand and my perspective:

  1. Enable Auto update of themes and plugins –  The update that I really like you can easily set an automatic update of themes and plugins individually and if you want to manually update a new premium version all you need to do is Upload the new plugin version and it will automatically update the plugin and you have option to download the old plugin version. Doing it before you need to upload a plugin called “Easy themes and plugin updates” now you don’t need it.
  2. Bunch of Gutenberg page builder update –  I myself don’t use Gutenberg but WordPress 5.5 update releases new update to its page builder.
  3. Lazy Images by default – Now WordPress automatically adds loading=”lazy” to images in (the_content) , (the_excerpt) , (widget_text_content) , (get_avatar) , (wp_get_attachment_image) it will help you with page speed since images will now load if you are in its view already rather than loading all the page images even if you are not able to see it yet because it is in the lower part of your website.

That is the 3 highlights I think is important to WordPress 5.5 and I am looking forward to have an update for August.

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