Bricks Builder Developer Philippines

Experienced WordPress developer from the Philippines with Bricks builder experience.  Create fast loading, high-quality design, and affordable website using bricks builder.


Bricks Builder Developer Philippines

Why Use Brick builder for your next WordPress website

Bricks Builder was created in late 2021 and has been rapidly updated since. There are a lot of features that comes with bricks builder:

  1. No code design and development
  2. Built-in Query loop builder
  3. More than 80+ elements
  4. Conditional Display
  5.  and more…

The features that comes with bricks builder can already build a high quality website but if you are having issue or wants to extend the functionality of your website using brick builder addon, hire an experienced WordPress developer with bricks builder experience submit your query to our form and we will contact you within 24 hours.

Bricks builder developer Philippines

How to choose a good Brick Builder developer

Brick Builder is not that old compared to other well-established WordPress page builders such as Elementor, Divi , Oxygen and more but the features that come with the Brick Builder can go subpar with the other page builders mentioned above.

Choosing a WordPress developer with Brick Builder shouldn’t be that hard here are the 3 steps on choosing the right developer:

  1. Can show past work using brick builder – This is the first thing to consider in hiring or choosing a brick builder-developer , showing a work using the page builder of choice can easily display how good the developer based on his / her past work.  
  2. Offers free training  – Finishing a website using brick builder can be done by anyone, but training a client should be important because there will be several custom functionalities that might need training during the turnover.
  3. ACF integration – ACF or advanced custom field will play a vital role in developing custom sites even without a page builder it is good if the WordPress developer uses ACF.

Now the 3 steps above can easily help you how to choose a good developer that can work with Brick Builder.

Freelance Developer from Philippines that is expert with Bricks Builder

Bricks Builder  is an upcoming page builder that offers a robust , feature pack, affordable add-ons and easy-to-navigate page builder which will come in handy in creating fast-loading websites. Hiring a freelance developer from the Philippines with Bricks builder experience will surely help your business. 

Why choose a WordPress developer from the Philippines?

  1. Affordable Rate –  Save at least 50% from your website development budget.
  2. Trustworthy – More than 50 clients serviced within 10 years across the globe that has real feedbacks from real clients.
  3. Fast turnaround time – Don’t wait months just to finish your WordPress website get it within 2 – 3 weeks tops.
  4. Free training – Manage your new WordPress website built with Bricks Builder on your own after the turnover with free training that usually comes at a cost with other developer or agencies.

Website built with Bricks builder by a WordPress developer from Philippines

A listing website that lists addons for bricks builder. Fast loading that shows more than 95% on google page insights.

Website for a doctor that is created using brick builder. High quality design and SEO friendly website.

Brick Builder Expert in Philippines

Start your new website using bricks builder today. I offer 3 weeks turn around time with free design to choose from. Daily updates will be provided as to what the status of the project is.

“High quality website as usual from Nil” – Dr Sunny, United States