New website is live and June 2020 update

I have been working for so many clients in the past few months and I mentioned last time during my update that I am going to update my website and I finished it! I still stick to my favorite color when developing a website , orange and black and I still use my favorite web font Raleway.

A brief history about my website design over the past few years:

I created my domain last 2014 to start blogging when checking I still ahve a record of my website (amazing!):

website history

website development starter


I was a trying so hard to earn money with internet marketing even though I was in 4th year college and gladly I think a succeed(sort of),Just look at those articles it’s all about how to make money online.

After trying to blog for several years I converted my website design to be more presentable and somewhat accepting clients for development task therefor a logo was created. Presenting my first logo:

I am really fan of shapes back then. The year 2018 was the time I made an update to my website and changed my logo from shape with letter N to what I am using now (sort of) which is a text base logo. I find a text base logo for a website development company or even individual appealing and more professional. Here is a glimpse of my website 2018 version a more professional I suppose.

I just remember I didn’t use orange on my old website instead I used that color , I don’t know why. Maybe because I find that color relaxing and fit directly with the background I was using that time , or maybe It blends properly with the color white I can’t really remember.

My previous website design was created last 2019 now the orange is coming up. During these times I am really fan of one page website so I give it a try and I think it gives bad impact on the SEO side but I didn’t use that much search engine optimization back then my website is just like a portfolio where my clients can refer to when they want to look some of my previous works.

Now my updated website is live I really want to rank in SEO to attract more clients in the future. I really want to promote my WordPress Website Development service that includes ecommerce website development using WooCommerce. I have several plans right now and I really want to give monthly update just to remind myself what I am doing some sort of a diary:

Past 2 months I did:

  1. Received a very bad email from my long term Job which is so bad it felt like a breakup honestly. I have been working with the team for almost 5 years.
  2. 1 website redesign – still in progress for my long term client from Australia.
  3. 1 website creation – still the same client for the website redesign.
  4. 3 website creation for an online game private server and one is still under development.
  5. Started a new contract in Upwork

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